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From GPT to 3D Print in Minutes

Dhaval Nagar

Few days back a colleague shared a video where the guy built a Voice to (3D) Print automation using ChatGPT, Python, Rhino 3D, and Grasshopper. We thought it would be cool to give it a try.

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AI for Everyone: The Surge of Large Language Models and Accessible Tools

Dhaval Nagar

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn't some far-off, futuristic concept anymore. It's already part of our day-to-day life, rapidly evolving, and becoming more accessible than ever before. The driving forces behind this momentum shift are the incredible advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and the rise of powerful, user-friendly AI tools.

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LLMs Love Structure: Using Markdown for Better PDF Analysis

Dhaval Nagar

There's a strong case for using Markdown text over plain text when working with LLMs and structured data extracted from PDFs. Data formatted with Markdown provides structure and context which is generally lost with plain text formatting. For Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based applications, data available in markdown text format holds significant importance.

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Extracting Information from Scanned Documents with LLM Vision Models

Dhaval Nagar

Documents serve as a cornerstone for record keeping, communication, collaboration, and transactions in different industries such as logistics, healthcare, real estate, and finance. While we are moving towards digital papers, still huge part of industries are maintaining physical paper trails. In this post, we will look at how we are using the latest powerful LLM Vision Models to extract the meaningful information with cost-effective infrastructure.

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